Fixing the 4GB size limit of the Fujifilm XT-3 for real

When the Fujifilm XT-3 camera came with an firmware update Ver.2.10 that allows us to shoot video files over 4GB file size limit I thought that that’s it. All of my problems should have magically be gone by now. Except I was wrong.

Martin Adamko
3 min readOct 30, 2019

The release note states:

Recording over 4GB movie file as one file

Movie files are no longer split when the file reaches 4GB file size. The file is recorded as one file providing an SD memory card greater than 32GB is used (excludes 32GB) (*1).

That *1 mark means that there are few conditions however:

  1. You need SD memory cards bigger the 32 GB otherwise movie recording will continue without interruption when the file size reaches 4GB, however subsequent footage will be recorded to a separate file.
  2. You need to re-format SD memory cards before first use, and be sure to reformat all memory cards after using them in a computer or other device.

Wait! There’s one more thing.

I updated the firmware, my card was big enough but I was still experiencing weird issues on my MacBook Pro, e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro was not able to use the file, audio was cut and silenced, Adobe Media Encoder got stuck at 100% before finishing re-encoding. I only now found what the culprit was. I came across this tiny by-the-way note in the manual:

Did you know the Image Capture app has it’s 4GB limitation of its own?

I had no idea!

Turns out, the files over 4GB will be truncated to this size when transferred using this app. So add this one condition to the list above:

3. Use a card reader to copy files over 4 GB in size.

Final note

I wish the Fujifilm could provide a viable solution to data transfer for the OS X. The PC AutoSave app allows us to transfer data over WiFi. Such solution drains the camera battery and leaves no other option thant to download all the files without ability to select which to transfer.

I would expect this app to:

  1. use the camera’s built-in USB–C port — it’s fast and it’s already there;
  2. turn off display to use as little battery as possible;
  3. select files and transfer them without corrupting any of them.

In times when the SD Card reader is just not around it could be a time saver. Also it would prevent corrupting video files being transferred (without knowing) and save hours and days of debugging the issue.

Until then, use the SD Card reader for large .MOV files. Don’t use the OS X preinstalled app Image Capture to transfer footage over 4 GB of size.

Hope it helps someone else save some sleepless nights.



Martin Adamko

One that loves design, illustration, photography, digs in code, adores his dog and enjoys life & good coffee.